Sierra Leone AHD Meeting
Date of issue: 2023.02.09 Article source: AccuBio Views: 1844

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Sierra Leone AHD Stakeholder Meeting, Freetown, February 2023

According to the latest data, overall HIV prevalence in adults in Sierra Leone HIV prevalence is 1.4%1, however, recent studies indicate a much higher number of people living with HIV. In one major hospital, advanced HIV disease (AHD) is seen in 69% of HIV related admissions and 34% of new HIV diagnoses.

There are two major challenges in managing AHD: limited diagnostic capability and insufficient resources to better control and prevent opportunistic infections.


A stakeholder’s meeting, facilitated by AccuBio, was held in February 2023 to discuss current concepts in advanced HIV disease. A total of 65 healthcare professionals attended the event incorporating a large network of implementing partners, representatives from national Ministry of Health, NGOs, clinicians and medical association etc.


Presentations were given by public health specialists based in Sierra Leone and an invited speaker from Nigeria. A renewed commitment to improve and accelerate outcomes in the national HIV program was agreed at the meeting with a commitment to update the package of care for AHD. The VISITECT® CD4 Advanced Disease test from AccuBio is seen as a critical diagnostic tool in the diagnostic pathway.


The meeting concluded with a highly interactive Q&A session with clinical questions directed to invited speakers.


This event was followed with a visit by AccuBio’s Product Application Manager who facilitated in-person training sessions with health workers, stakeholders, local representatives and other partners



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